composer config -g repo.packagist composer
分类: 服务器
wordpress 垃圾评论sql
UPDATE `blog`.`wp_comments` SET `comment_approved`='spam' WHERE `comment_ID`>'40';
laravel openssl_cipher_iv_length()
laravel 错误
Call to undefined function Illuminate\Encryption\openssl_cipher_iv_length()
OpenSSL support disabled (install ext/openssl)
在 MAC OS X 安装 ADB (Android调试桥)
什么是 ADB?
Android调试桥( adb )是一个开发工具,帮助安卓设备和个人计算机之间的通信。 这种通信大多是在USB电缆下进行,但是也支持Wi-Fi连接。 adb 还可被用来与电脑上运行的安卓模拟器交流通信。 adb 对于安卓开发来说就像一把“瑞士军刀”。
通过 Homebrew 安装
brew install android-platform-tools
adb devices
<?PHP $dbhost=""; $dbport="3306"; $dbuser="root"; $dbpass="1234"; $dbname="menghaozi"; if(!function_exists('mysql_pconnect')){ $mysqli = mysqli_connect("$dbhost:$dbport", $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); function mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass){ global $dbport; global $dbname; global $mysqli; $mysqli = mysqli_connect("$dbhost:$dbport", $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); return $mysqli; } function mysql_select_db($dbname){ global $mysqli; return mysqli_select_db($mysqli,$dbname); } function mysql_fetch_array($result){ return mysqli_fetch_array($result); } function mysql_fetch_assoc($result){ return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } function mysql_fetch_row($result){ return mysqli_fetch_row($result); } function mysql_query($query){ global $mysqli; $data=mysqli_query($mysqli,$query); if (!$data) { printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($mysqli)); exit(); } return $data; } function mysql_escape_string($data){ global $mysqli; return mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $data); //return addslashes(trim($data)); } function mysql_real_escape_string($data){ return mysql_real_escape_string($data); } function mysql_close(){ global $mysqli; return mysqli_close($mysqli); } } ?>
mod_proxy ,主代理模块Apache模块用于重定向连接;它允许Apache充当底层应用程序服务器的网关。
mod_proxy_http ,它增加了对代理HTTP连接的支持。
mod_proxy_balancer和mod_lbmethod_byrequests ,它为多个后端服务器添加负载平衡功能。
sudo a2enmod proxy sudo a2enmod proxy_http sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ <VirtualHost *:8003>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:801/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:801/
#!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby # This script installs to /usr/local only. To install elsewhere you can just # untar anywhere you like or # change the value of HOMEBREW_PREFIX. HOMEBREW_PREFIX = "/usr/local".freeze HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY = "/usr/local/Homebrew".freeze HOMEBREW_CACHE = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze HOMEBREW_OLD_CACHE = "/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze BREW_REPO = "git://".freeze CORE_TAP_REPO = "git://".freeze # no analytics during installation ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_THIS_RUN"] = "1" ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_OUTPUT"] = "1" module Tty module_function def blue bold 34 end def red bold 31 end def reset escape 0 end def bold(n = 39) escape "1;#{n}" end def underline escape "4;39" end def escape(n) "\033[#{n}m" if STDOUT.tty? end end class Array def shell_s cp = dup first = cp.shift { |arg| arg.gsub " ", "\\ " }.unshift(first).join(" ") end end def ohai(*args) puts "#{}==>#{Tty.bold} #{args.shell_s}#{Tty.reset}" end def warn(warning) puts "#{}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning.chomp}" end def system(*args) abort "Failed during: #{args.shell_s}" unless Kernel.system(*args) end def sudo(*args) args.unshift("-A") unless ENV["SUDO_ASKPASS"].nil? ohai "/usr/bin/sudo", *args system "/usr/bin/sudo", *args end def getc system "/bin/stty raw -echo" if STDIN.respond_to?(:getbyte) STDIN.getbyte else STDIN.getc end ensure system "/bin/stty -raw echo" end def wait_for_user puts puts "Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort" c = getc # we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead abort unless (c == 13) || (c == 10) end class Version include Comparable attr_reader :parts def initialize(str) @parts = str.split(".").map { |p| p.to_i } end def <=>(other) parts <=> end end def force_curl? ARGV.include?("--force-curl") end def macos_version @macos_version ||=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp[/10\.\d+/]) end def should_install_command_line_tools? return false if force_curl? return false if macos_version < "10.9" !File.exist?("/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git") || !File.exist?("/usr/include/iconv.h") end def git return false if force_curl? @git ||= if ENV["GIT"] && File.executable?(ENV["GIT"]) ENV["GIT"] elsif Kernel.system "/usr/bin/which -s git" "git" else exe = `xcrun -find git 2>/dev/null`.chomp exe if $? && $?.success? && !exe.empty? && File.executable?(exe) end return unless @git # Github only supports HTTPS fetches on 1.7.10 or later: # `#{@git} --version` =~ /git version (\d\.\d+\.\d+)/ return if $1.nil? return if$1) < "1.7.10" @git end def user_only_chmod?(d) return false unless mode = File.stat(d).mode & 0777 # u = (mode >> 6) & 07 # g = (mode >> 3) & 07 # o = (mode >> 0) & 07 mode != 0755 end def chmod?(d) File.exist?(d) && !(File.readable?(d) && File.writable?(d) && File.executable?(d)) end def chown?(d) !File.owned?(d) end def chgrp?(d) !File.grpowned?(d) end # Invalidate sudo timestamp before exiting (if it wasn't active before). Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo -n -v 2>/dev/null" at_exit { Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo", "-k" } unless $?.success? # The block form of Dir.chdir fails later if Dir.CWD doesn't exist which I # guess is fair enough. Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason Dir.chdir "/usr" ####################################################################### script abort "See Linuxbrew:" if RUBY_PLATFORM.to_s.downcase.include?("linux") abort "Mac OS X too old, see:" if macos_version < "10.5" abort "Don't run this as root!" if abort <<-EOABORT unless `dsmemberutil checkmembership -U "#{ENV["USER"]}" -G admin`.include? "user is a member" This script requires the user #{ENV["USER"]} to be an Administrator. EOABORT # Tests will fail if the prefix exists, but we don't have execution # permissions. Abort in this case. abort <<-EOABORT if && (!File.executable? HOMEBREW_PREFIX) The Homebrew prefix, #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}, exists but is not searchable. If this is not intentional, please restore the default permissions and try running the installer again: sudo chmod 775 #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOABORT ohai "This script will install:" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew" puts HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY.to_s group_chmods = %w[ bin bin/brew etc Frameworks include lib sbin share var etc/bash_completion.d lib/pkgconfig var/log share/aclocal share/doc share/info share/locale share/man share/man/man1 share/man/man2 share/man/man3 share/man/man4 share/man/man5 share/man/man6 share/man/man7 share/man/man8]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }. select { |d| chmod?(d) } # zsh refuses to read from these directories if group writable zsh_dirs = %w[share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) } user_chmods = { |d| user_only_chmod?(d) } chmods = group_chmods + user_chmods chowns = { |d| chown?(d) } chgrps = { |d| chgrp?(d) } mkdirs = %w[Cellar Homebrew Frameworks bin etc include lib opt sbin share share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions var]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }. reject { |d| } unless group_chmods.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will be made group writable:" puts(*group_chmods) end unless user_chmods.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will be made writable by user only:" puts(*user_chmods) end unless chowns.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will have their owner set to #{Tty.underline}#{ENV["USER"]}#{Tty.reset}:" puts(*chowns) end unless chgrps.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will have their group set to #{Tty.underline}admin#{Tty.reset}:" puts(*chgrps) end unless mkdirs.empty? ohai "The following new directories will be created:" puts(*mkdirs) end if should_install_command_line_tools? ohai "The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed." end wait_for_user if STDIN.tty? && !ENV["TRAVIS"] if HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo "/bin/chmod", "u+rwx", *chmods unless chmods.empty? sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *group_chmods unless group_chmods.empty? sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *user_chmods unless user_chmods.empty? sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *chowns unless chowns.empty? sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *chgrps unless chgrps.empty? else sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", "root:wheel", HOMEBREW_PREFIX end unless mkdirs.empty? sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", *mkdirs sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *mkdirs sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *zsh_dirs sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *mkdirs sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *mkdirs end [HOMEBREW_CACHE, HOMEBREW_OLD_CACHE].each do |cache| sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", cache unless cache sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", cache if chmod? cache sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], cache if chown? cache sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", cache if chgrp? cache end if should_install_command_line_tools? ohai "Searching online for the Command Line Tools" # This temporary file prompts the 'softwareupdate' utility to list the Command Line Tools clt_placeholder = "/tmp/" sudo "/usr/bin/touch", clt_placeholder clt_label = `softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 -E "Command Line (Developer|Tools)" | awk -F"*" '/^ +\\*/ {print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//' | tail -n1`.chomp ohai "Installing #{clt_label}" sudo "/usr/sbin/softwareupdate", "-i", clt_label sudo "/bin/rm", "-f", clt_placeholder sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" end # Headless install may have failed, so fallback to original 'xcode-select' method if should_install_command_line_tools? && STDIN.tty? ohai "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):" sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--install" puts "Press any key when the installation has completed." getc sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" end abort <<-EOABORT if `/usr/bin/xcrun clang 2>&1` =~ /license/ && !$?.success? You have not agreed to the Xcode license. Before running the installer again please agree to the license by opening or running: sudo xcodebuild -license EOABORT ohai "Downloading and installing Homebrew..." Dir.chdir HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY do if git # we do it in four steps to avoid merge errors when reinstalling system git, "init", "-q" # "git remote add" will fail if the remote is defined in the global config system git, "config", "remote.origin.url", BREW_REPO system git, "config", "remote.origin.fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" # ensure we don't munge line endings on checkout system git, "config", "core.autocrlf", "false" args = git, "fetch", "origin", "master:refs/remotes/origin/master", "--tags", "--force" system(*args) system git, "reset", "--hard", "origin/master" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew", "update", "--force" else # -m to stop tar erroring out if it can't modify the mtime for root owned directories # pipefail to cause the exit status from curl to propagate if it fails curl_flags = "fsSL" curl_flags += "k" if macos_version < "10.6" core_tap = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{BREW_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "/bin/mkdir", "-p", core_tap Dir.chdir core_tap do system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{CORE_TAP_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'" end end end warn "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin is not in your PATH." unless ENV["PATH"].split(":").include? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin" ohai "Installation successful!" puts # Use the shell's audible bell. print "\a" # Use an extra newline and bold to avoid this being missed. ohai "Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics." puts <<-EOS #{Tty.bold}Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here: #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset} EOS if git Dir.chdir HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY do system git, "config", "--local", "--replace-all", "homebrew.analyticsmessage", "true" end end ohai "Next steps:" if macos_version < "10.9" && macos_version > "10.6" `/usr/bin/cc --version 2> /dev/null` =~ /clang-(\d{2,})/ version = $1.to_i if version < 425 puts "- Install the #{Tty.bold}Command Line Tools for Xcode:" puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}" end elsif !File.exist? "/usr/bin/cc" puts "- Install #{Tty.bold}Xcode:" puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}" end unless git puts "- Run `brew update --force` to complete installation by installing:" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/.git" end puts "- Run `brew help` to get started" puts "- Further documentation: " puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}" #!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby # This script installs to /usr/local only. To install elsewhere you can just # untar anywhere you like or # change the value of HOMEBREW_PREFIX. HOMEBREW_PREFIX = "/usr/local".freeze HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY = "/usr/local/Homebrew".freeze HOMEBREW_CACHE = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze HOMEBREW_OLD_CACHE = "/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze BREW_REPO = "".freeze CORE_TAP_REPO = "".freeze # no analytics during installation ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_THIS_RUN"] = "1" ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_OUTPUT"] = "1" module Tty module_function def blue bold 34 end def red bold 31 end def reset escape 0 end def bold(n = 39) escape "1;#{n}" end def underline escape "4;39" end def escape(n) "\033[#{n}m" if STDOUT.tty? end end class Array def shell_s cp = dup first = cp.shift { |arg| arg.gsub " ", "\\ " }.unshift(first).join(" ") end end def ohai(*args) puts "#{}==>#{Tty.bold} #{args.shell_s}#{Tty.reset}" end def warn(warning) puts "#{}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning.chomp}" end def system(*args) abort "Failed during: #{args.shell_s}" unless Kernel.system(*args) end def sudo(*args) args.unshift("-A") unless ENV["SUDO_ASKPASS"].nil? ohai "/usr/bin/sudo", *args system "/usr/bin/sudo", *args end def getc system "/bin/stty raw -echo" if STDIN.respond_to?(:getbyte) STDIN.getbyte else STDIN.getc end ensure system "/bin/stty -raw echo" end def wait_for_user puts puts "Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort" c = getc # we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead abort unless (c == 13) || (c == 10) end class Version include Comparable attr_reader :parts def initialize(str) @parts = str.split(".").map { |p| p.to_i } end def <=>(other) parts <=> end end def force_curl? ARGV.include?("--force-curl") end def macos_version @macos_version ||=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp[/10\.\d+/]) end def should_install_command_line_tools? return false if force_curl? return false if macos_version < "10.9" !File.exist?("/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git") || !File.exist?("/usr/include/iconv.h") end def git return false if force_curl? @git ||= if ENV["GIT"] && File.executable?(ENV["GIT"]) ENV["GIT"] elsif Kernel.system "/usr/bin/which -s git" "git" else exe = `xcrun -find git 2>/dev/null`.chomp exe if $? && $?.success? && !exe.empty? && File.executable?(exe) end return unless @git # Github only supports HTTPS fetches on 1.7.10 or later: # `#{@git} --version` =~ /git version (\d\.\d+\.\d+)/ return if $1.nil? return if$1) < "1.7.10" @git end def user_only_chmod?(d) return false unless mode = File.stat(d).mode & 0777 # u = (mode >> 6) & 07 # g = (mode >> 3) & 07 # o = (mode >> 0) & 07 mode != 0755 end def chmod?(d) File.exist?(d) && !(File.readable?(d) && File.writable?(d) && File.executable?(d)) end def chown?(d) !File.owned?(d) end def chgrp?(d) !File.grpowned?(d) end # Invalidate sudo timestamp before exiting (if it wasn't active before). Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo -n -v 2>/dev/null" at_exit { Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo", "-k" } unless $?.success? # The block form of Dir.chdir fails later if Dir.CWD doesn't exist which I # guess is fair enough. Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason Dir.chdir "/usr" ####################################################################### script abort "See Linuxbrew:" if RUBY_PLATFORM.to_s.downcase.include?("linux") abort "Mac OS X too old, see:" if macos_version < "10.5" abort "Don't run this as root!" if abort <<-EOABORT unless `dsmemberutil checkmembership -U "#{ENV["USER"]}" -G admin`.include? "user is a member" This script requires the user #{ENV["USER"]} to be an Administrator. EOABORT # Tests will fail if the prefix exists, but we don't have execution # permissions. Abort in this case. abort <<-EOABORT if && (!File.executable? HOMEBREW_PREFIX) The Homebrew prefix, #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}, exists but is not searchable. If this is not intentional, please restore the default permissions and try running the installer again: sudo chmod 775 #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOABORT ohai "This script will install:" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew" puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew" puts HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY.to_s group_chmods = %w[ bin bin/brew etc Frameworks include lib sbin share var etc/bash_completion.d lib/pkgconfig var/log share/aclocal share/doc share/info share/locale share/man share/man/man1 share/man/man2 share/man/man3 share/man/man4 share/man/man5 share/man/man6 share/man/man7 share/man/man8]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }. select { |d| chmod?(d) } # zsh refuses to read from these directories if group writable zsh_dirs = %w[share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) } user_chmods = { |d| user_only_chmod?(d) } chmods = group_chmods + user_chmods chowns = { |d| chown?(d) } chgrps = { |d| chgrp?(d) } mkdirs = %w[Cellar Homebrew Frameworks bin etc include lib opt sbin share share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions var]. map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }. reject { |d| } unless group_chmods.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will be made group writable:" puts(*group_chmods) end unless user_chmods.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will be made writable by user only:" puts(*user_chmods) end unless chowns.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will have their owner set to #{Tty.underline}#{ENV["USER"]}#{Tty.reset}:" puts(*chowns) end unless chgrps.empty? ohai "The following existing directories will have their group set to #{Tty.underline}admin#{Tty.reset}:" puts(*chgrps) end unless mkdirs.empty? ohai "The following new directories will be created:" puts(*mkdirs) end if should_install_command_line_tools? ohai "The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed." end wait_for_user if STDIN.tty? && !ENV["TRAVIS"] if HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo "/bin/chmod", "u+rwx", *chmods unless chmods.empty? sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *group_chmods unless group_chmods.empty? sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *user_chmods unless user_chmods.empty? sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *chowns unless chowns.empty? sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *chgrps unless chgrps.empty? else sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", "root:wheel", HOMEBREW_PREFIX end unless mkdirs.empty? sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", *mkdirs sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *mkdirs sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *zsh_dirs sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *mkdirs sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *mkdirs end [HOMEBREW_CACHE, HOMEBREW_OLD_CACHE].each do |cache| sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", cache unless cache sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", cache if chmod? cache sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], cache if chown? cache sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", cache if chgrp? cache end if should_install_command_line_tools? ohai "Searching online for the Command Line Tools" # This temporary file prompts the 'softwareupdate' utility to list the Command Line Tools clt_placeholder = "/tmp/" sudo "/usr/bin/touch", clt_placeholder clt_label = `softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 -E "Command Line (Developer|Tools)" | awk -F"*" '/^ +\\*/ {print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//' | tail -n1`.chomp ohai "Installing #{clt_label}" sudo "/usr/sbin/softwareupdate", "-i", clt_label sudo "/bin/rm", "-f", clt_placeholder sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" end # Headless install may have failed, so fallback to original 'xcode-select' method if should_install_command_line_tools? && STDIN.tty? ohai "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):" sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--install" puts "Press any key when the installation has completed." getc sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" end abort <<-EOABORT if `/usr/bin/xcrun clang 2>&1` =~ /license/ && !$?.success? You have not agreed to the Xcode license. Before running the installer again please agree to the license by opening or running: sudo xcodebuild -license EOABORT ohai "Downloading and installing Homebrew..." Dir.chdir HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY do if git # we do it in four steps to avoid merge errors when reinstalling system git, "init", "-q" # "git remote add" will fail if the remote is defined in the global config system git, "config", "remote.origin.url", BREW_REPO system git, "config", "remote.origin.fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" # ensure we don't munge line endings on checkout system git, "config", "core.autocrlf", "false" args = git, "fetch", "origin", "master:refs/remotes/origin/master", "--tags", "--force" system(*args) system git, "reset", "--hard", "origin/master" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew", "update", "--force" else # -m to stop tar erroring out if it can't modify the mtime for root owned directories # pipefail to cause the exit status from curl to propagate if it fails curl_flags = "fsSL" curl_flags += "k" if macos_version < "10.6" core_tap = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{BREW_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "/bin/mkdir", "-p", core_tap Dir.chdir core_tap do system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{CORE_TAP_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'" end end end warn "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin is not in your PATH." unless ENV["PATH"].split(":").include? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin" ohai "Installation successful!" puts # Use the shell's audible bell. print "\a" # Use an extra newline and bold to avoid this being missed. ohai "Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics." puts <<-EOS #{Tty.bold}Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here: #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset} EOS if git Dir.chdir HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY do system git, "config", "--local", "--replace-all", "homebrew.analyticsmessage", "true" end end ohai "Next steps:" if macos_version < "10.9" && macos_version > "10.6" `/usr/bin/cc --version 2> /dev/null` =~ /clang-(\d{2,})/ version = $1.to_i if version < 425 puts "- Install the #{Tty.bold}Command Line Tools for Xcode:" puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}" end elsif !File.exist? "/usr/bin/cc" puts "- Install #{Tty.bold}Xcode:" puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}" end unless git puts "- Run `brew update --force` to complete installation by installing:" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew" puts " #{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/.git" end puts "- Run `brew help` to get started" puts "- Further documentation: " puts " #{Tty.underline}{Tty.reset}"
linux command
ssh root@ cd /var/www/jinguan git reset --hard git pull chmod -R 777 app/ php artisan migrate:rollback php artisan migrate php artisan user
linux debain 用户配置
apt-get install locales dpkg-reconfigure locales 勾选“en_US.UTF-8”和“zh_CN.UTF-8” apt-get install xfonts-intl-chinese 重启
apt-get install w3m-img zhcon H 显示帮助 q 退出,会有提示的 j,k,l,h 移动光标,就像vim中一样 J/K 向下/向上滚屏 </> 左右滚屏 Enter 输入 T 打开一个新标签页 Esc-t 打开所有标签页,供你选择,使用jk来上下移动 {/} 在标签页中切换 U 输入新的网址 B 后退 Ctrl+q 关闭当前标签页 / 向后查找当前页 ? 向前查找当前页
apache gzip
#取消注释 LoadModule deflate_module modules/ LoadModule headers_module modules/ #http.conf <IfModule mod_deflate.c> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE #必须的,就像一个开关一样,告诉apache对传输到浏览器的内容进行压缩 SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary #设置不对后缀gif,jpg,jpeg,png的图片文件进行压缩 SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip dont-vary #同上,就是设置不对exe,tgz,gz。。。的文件进行压缩 SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(?:pdf|mov|avi|mp3|mp4|rm)$ no-gzip dont-vary AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/* #设置对文件是文本的内容进行压缩,例如text/html text/css text/plain等 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/ms* application/vnd* application/postscript application/javascript application/x-javascript #这段代码你只需要了解application/javascript application/x-javascript这段就可以了,这段的意思是对javascript文件进行压缩 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-httpd-php application/x-httpd-fastphp #这段是告诉apache对php类型的文件进行压缩 BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html # Netscape 4.x 有一些问题,所以只压缩文件类型是text/html的 BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip # Netscape 4.06-4.08 有更多的问题,所以不开启压缩 BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html # IE浏览器会伪装成Netscape ,但是事实上它没有问题 </IfModule>